1. Peculiarities of keratin treatment for men
Testosterone is responsible for the growth of male hair: thanks to it, men’s hair is denser and gets oily faster. Due to the high density, curly and wavy men's hair is more difficult to straighten. At the same time, too aggressive methods are not suitable for male locks. Men start losing their hair earlier than women, so procedures associated with increased stress can lead to increased hair loss. That is why, in order to keep men's hair fresh longer after the straightening procedure, keratin isn’t applied on hair roots, so the locks remain neat and fresh for a longer time.
Benefits of Keratin Hair Treatment for Men
No heat
With keratin treatment for hair men can forget about hair dryers, stylers, and flat irons for long. Considering the fact that men’s hair is thicker than women’s, heat devices make such locks even more tough, dry, and eventually unmanageable. Besides, men often severely burn their hair because they can’t always see when enough is enough. As a result, only a short haircut can save men’s hair in such a situation.
Boosts confidence
Men should be confident no matter what. However, sometimes it’s hard when your hair is a mess and you have an important business meeting in half an hour, where the cap or a hat will surprise the business partners. In order to be self-confident in any situation and always look neat, men should try keratin hair treatment with the long-lasting result.
Keratin hair treatment for men is a perfect procedure because it helps to spare more time for the important things. After getting this treatment, you won’t need to use a flat iron or a blow dryer for making your hair straight and smooth. Thanks to the treatment, you will get shiny and manageable hair for a long period of time. Who doesn’t want to sleep extra half and hour in the morning instead of fixing the never-ending hair mess in the bathroom?
As men usually start losing their hair in quite a young age, they are always concerned about the hair treatments’ safety. Even in case of keratin treatment for hair men feel anxious. However, that’s in vain! Keratin consists of natural components so it can’t damage your hair. Keratin envelops your each thin hair, protecting it from negative factors. Keratin hair treatment for men also protects your hair against breakage which is important for men who love different headdresses.
Suitable for any hair type
It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have: keratin hair treatment provides good results on any hair texture.
Long-term effect
After having keratin treatment for hair men can forget about any hair issues for about 4-5 months. Keratin makes your hair look healthy, strong and shiny. Besides, it protects your locks from damages.
Still have some questions? Check out our Q and A below!
Q: Where can I get keratin hair treatment for men?
A: You can either get it in a hair salon or perform it at home by purchasing a home kit.
Q: What is the post-treatment hair care?
A: Don’t wash/wet/use heat-devices/pin your hair for the first 3 days. Use sulfate-free shampoo and moisturizing conditioner.
Q: Will keratin hair treatment be suitable for me if I have gray hair?
A: Yes. Keratin will protect your hair from becoming way too brittle and dry.
Asfand said:
How to use it
October 05, 2023
Ankit Singh said:
I have thin hair and little bit hair fall also it will be good for me or not
February 20, 2023