Nowadays beauty industry offers us a great variety of different hair products that solve different hair problems. However, the wrong product may even damage your hair instead of treating it! How to find out what hair product do you need? Check out this article!





First of all, you have to realize, what your hair problems are. Take our express test that will let you find out if you have any hair problems that are typical for women. Please, answer the following questions:

 - Does your hair become more brittle?
 - Do you have split hair ends?
 - Do you suffer from hair static?
 - Do you dye your hair?
 - Do you often use hot styling devices?
 - Do you have any scalp problems (itching, dandruff, etc)?

Secondly, pay attention to your hair type. In most cases, hair type can be determined by a skin type.

If your hair is elastic, it has the same density, it’s shiny in the sun and doesn’t become greasy up to 3-5 days, it belongs to the normal type.

If your hair is dull and brittle and it doesn’t become greasy for more than 5 days, it belongs to dry type.

If your hair requires washing more than 1 time in 3 days and becomes greasy pretty fast, it belongs to the oily type.

Well, basically these are two main points. Be careful while choosing hair care products. An expensive product won’t necessarily suit your hair, even if it was broadly advertised. Choose salon brands, they usually have a good quality, way better than the hair products which you can find in supermarkets. Take care and stay beautiful!

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