In order to maintain the smoothing effect, it is usually enough to do keratin straightening twice a year. However, if the hair is porous, curly, with voids, you will have to visit the hairstylist once every 2-3 months until the keratin accumulates in the hair. So the owners of African American hair should not worry if after the first keratin treatment the smoothing effect lasts only 60-90 days. This is absolutely normal. However, the hairstylist should discuss all these points with you in advance, so this way you will know what to expect.


Regular procedures are of primary importance and we’ll explain why. The thing is that keratin accumulates in your hair, so each following procedure provides a longer result than the previous one. If you skip procedures or perform them irregularly, the great amount of keratin washes off you hair, so the result of the new procedure will not last as long as it could last.


After about six months, keratin will be washed off of the hair and your hair will come back to the state in which it originally was, so you may notice that your hair state has worsened. However there is one point: if your hair was originally problematic, then its state may seem to be worse to you just because keratin supported the healthy appearance!


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