Benefits and uses for the hair
Benefits and uses for the hair
Usually, hair botox formula contains such ingredients as proteins, peptides, amino acids, vitamin B5, vitamins, collagen complex and lipids apart from many other conditioning agents. Such a “cocktail”works as a filler for thinning hair fibers, that’s why the procedure is called ‘botox’. You’ll need only one treatment to see how your hair became silkier, shinier and even younger-looking!
How does bottox work?
There are many hair treatments nowadays, like keratin hair treatment, cysteine hair treatment, etc. Hair botox is a formaldehyde-free procedure providing deep hair conditioning.
Botox hair treatment helps you to fight hair frizz and improves the look of damaged locks by fully restoring them. Maybe hair botox won’t make your strands absolutely straight but it will rebuild broken hair bonds of your hair fibers!
Botox hair treatment helps you to fight hair frizz and improves the look of damaged locks by fully restoring them. Maybe hair botox won’t make your strands absolutely straight but it will rebuild broken hair bonds of your hair fibers!
Is bottox good for your hair?
Sure! There are some benefits of Brazilian Bottox Treatment:
Sure! There are some benefits of Brazilian Bottox Treatment:
Smooth hair
up to 8 weeks
up to 8 weeks
Easy and safe
Restores structure
from the inside
from the inside
Makes hair nourished,
strong and hydrated
strong and hydrated
Contains natural
Shine, glossiness
and smoothness
and smoothness
Do I need bottox treatment for my hair?
You need bottox if:
- Your hair is frizzy when it rains
- You spend a lot of time styling your hair
- Your curls are very fluffy
- You want to get rid of the static hair
- Your hair looks damaged
- You have a tangled hair
- You want straight hair or get rid of curls
- You want shiny, glossy hair
If you answer 'YES' to most of these questions, then it is time to use bottox treatment
You need bottox if:
- Your hair is frizzy when it rains
- You spend a lot of time styling your hair
- Your curls are very fluffy
- You want to get rid of the static hair
- Your hair looks damaged
- You have a tangled hair
- You want straight hair or get rid of curls
- You want shiny, glossy hair
If you answer 'YES' to most of these questions, then it is time to use Bottox treatment
Made to work on all hair types
From curly hair to stick straight, Bottox is suitable & beneficial for all hair types
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