It's no secret that in the winter our hair is stressed out. There are a lot of reasons for it - climate change, cold wind, indoor heating, sudden temperature changes (it’s pretty hot at home, as the heating is on and the air is dry, but it’s very cold outside), hats because of which hairstyling quickly loses attractiveness. Besides, in winter our hair is electrified and becomes naughty.

As well as in case of skin on which we apply moisturizers 40-50 minutes before we go out, the hair should not be dried with a hairdryer and exposed to frost and cold wind right after the effect of hot temperature. You’d better style your hair in advance. Because of a drastic temperature drop, the hair dries up, becomes brittle and damaged, so it is necessary to let the hair cool down after drying and styling.

It is in the winter period that our hair needs additional care and nutrition, due to the peculiarities of the temperature regime. Additional protection is necessary to be achieved with the products that create a film on the hair, protecting it from the effects of cold weather.

Normally, a person loses up to 100 hairs per day, but in the cold season, hair falls out more, as the negative effects of a protein deficiency start to show up. In summer we ate many fruits, vegetables, and berries, ignoring meat and fish. Protein diet will help you to fix the situation.

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