Thinking of changing shampoo, as everyone says it is good for hair? Whatever your hair type, remember that it changes over time. Constant coloring, fatigue, stress, pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations, changing seasons... all this affects the condition of hair. It may become drier, more brittle, or, conversely, fatter. To meet their new needs, appropriate care products are required. Hence the importance of a periodic change of shampoo.

In nature, there is nothing absolutely homogeneous. Similarly, hair needs to solve various inherent problems. Using different shampoos can satisfy their different needs. If the hair is prone to fat, there is dandruff, alternate dandruff shampoo, and detox shampoo. If the hair is dry, lacking volume, treat it with a nourishing shampoo, replacing it periodically with a shampoo that adds volume. Taking into account all the diverse needs of your hair, the optimal combination will be found.

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