Using Hair Keratin to fix the most significant mistakes.

What should be done?

  • Shampoo hairs only three days after applying the keratin therapy;
  • Let hair down all the time;
  • Dry and straighten the hair after every wetting within three days after using the keratin therapy;
  • If you wish to makes hairs stylish within three days after the keratin therapy, use a blow-dryer;

Wear special shower-caps when bathing and silk scarfs which will assist in pulling separating hair from face.

In order not to strip keratin from your hair, use specialized aftercare products. These products are free from sodium and salt. For example, a

Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner for colored hair, professional Keratin Complex Care or GK shampoo and conditioner;

Prevent hair from sodium-chloride being at a swimming pool and wash it with pure water. Applying serum or deep conditioner will provide additional protection for hairs.

What should you avoid doing?

In no way should you wash your hair within three days after applying keratin therapy;

On no occasion should your hair be tied into a ponytail. This can cause a long-lasting impression;

It is not allowed to wear bobby pins, hair bands or clips. They can cause a long-lasting impression;

Hair should be placed behind ears for a long time;

Never leave glasses on your head or holding your hair back with them;

Avoid sweating.

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