Analyze the factors responsible for declining sales. Turn to every piece of statistical data you have about your beauty salon. Find the most prominent reasons for the decrease in cash flow.
It may be either the lack of new visitors or attrition of regular clients. Maybe, the customers who have once received services in your salon are not willing to come there again? Did the amount of the services/products you clients buy decrease drastically?
Once you have detected the reason for sales decrease, you should find out its root causes. Maybe, your regular customers leave because of the poor services your salon provides, or your competitors actively promote their services and attract your clients as well. Maybe, your salon needs to be upgraded and apply the newest modern beauty techniques and methods? As you can see, it is not enough to know the reason; you need to identify all the weak links in your business.
Take appropriate actions to correct the issues. For example, if you have noticed that sales decrease was preceded by turning off the advertisement at a certain resource, it would be reasonable to restore that type of promotion. If a decline in sales is related to uncompetitive costs of your services, you can attract customers by introducing a new price-list. An opposite way of solving this problem would be to develop activities that increase customers’ loyalty. These activities should make clients opt for your salon, despite the high prices for products and services you provide. You can advise your customers the products that are ideal for home care. For example, Amazonliss Home Care Kit or Leave-in 10 in 1.